Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The carnage following the great cabbage worm war

First, something positive...honey sweetened raspberry jam anyone?  5 cups of berries and 2 cups of honey with some lemon juice.  3 8-oz. of lip smacking jam within an hour.  Our raspberry bush is still pretty loaded, so I am hoping that we can get another batch in before we our done for the year.  The recipe is here if you are so inclined.  

Basil is coming in nicely...so pesto it is!  I have never made it before, but one spoonful last night convinced both Jared and I that this will be a regular in our diet.  It freezes really well too, so I have plans to get a few batches throughout the next 2 months into the freezer so we can enjoy some summer sunshine while the winter winds are blowing.  (which is the main reason we garden, along with being able to go out and pick a garden salad 10 minutes before sitting down to eat)

Well, here is the result from the cabbage worms.  It was bad, and we were on the losing side.  All of the broccoli (which was basically done anyway), cauliflower, brussels sprouts, most of the kale, and most of the cabbage have been ripped out.  The kale regenerates leaves, so I have a few left down there in the corner with just a few baby leaves left.  I am hoping they come back.  In the empty beds I planted some more cilantro and green beans.

Here is a view of the garden from the other side...where the squash has run completely wild, but is so loaded that we are leaving it be and clipping the tips off.  It is hard to see, but there is a big section of green beans right in front of the corn and a great little bed of dill, thanks to the seeds I got from Granddad!  We are always thankful for his knowledge, experience, and bottles of seeds that he saves and shares. :)  Do you see the large lawn bags sitting along the fence?  That would be the cabbage worm victims, ready to be hauled to the tree dump. :(

The survivor bed from our cabbage worm war.  I am not sure why, but the green cabbage on the bottom of the photo are a different variety and they each had a couple of worms that I have picked off, but have remained mostly intact.  Not sure why, but I will be looking for this variety next year and planting it exclusively.  Not that I remember the name, but it is a much smaller variety...hoping I can figure it out as I stand in the nursery next spring.  :)


  1. Freezing pesto is great! A tip: freeze it in an ice cube tray, then dump the pesto cubes into a ziplock bag. It makes it very easy to pull out an arbitrary number of servings later without having to defrost a whole batch! Yum yum, now I want to go make some myself...

    1. I did just that, but my pesto is stuck in the ice cube tray. I'll have to pry it out of the tray with a spoon, no dumping here!
